Certificate Web Check

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Albion Languages Fordítóiroda Kft.

ISO 17100:2015
Certification Date: 06-Oct-22
Expiry Date: 05-Oct-25

Quality-assured specialised translation services for the translation/localisation of general, technical, and legal documentation, life sciences, financial texts, business communication, websites, multimedia, and marketing content provided at all Albion Languages locations.

Expired Certificates

Certificates are issued for a period of 3-Years. Check above for this client's active Certificates.


Albion Languages Fordítóiroda Kft.

ISO 17100:2015
Certification Date: 16-Oct-19
Expiry Date: 15-Oct-22

Quality-assured specialised translation services for the translation/localisation of general, technical and legal documentation, life sciences, financial texts, business communication, websites, multimedia and marketing content provided at all Albion Languages locations.

Note: ATC Certification’s Web Check Data is updated weekly from our Certification Management System.