ISO 18841 is an International Standard that establishes basic requirements for the provision of interpreting services including the qualifications & competencies of interpreters, and recommendations of good practice.
Achieving ISO 18841 Certification demonstrates your commitment to providing a quality interpreting service.
NOTE: Interpreting specialisations/specialised interpreting services are covered in other ISO standards (e.g. ISO 20228 Legal interpreting).
Achieve ISO 18841 Certification with ATC Certification
ATC Certification specialises in providing auditing and certification services for the language services industry.
From an initial FREE consultation call with one of our expert auditors to successful certification, ATC Certification adds value to your operations.
ISO Certification Process
Our ISO Certification Scheme operates on a three-year cycle, with an initial two-stage process to achieve certification.

Get started: Get the standard
Non ATC Members
You don’t need to be an ATC member to achieve ISO Certification with us.
Start your ISO journey by purchasing this standard from the ISO Store.
ATC Members
ATC member organisations have FREE access to ISO Standards via the ATC ISO library.
Log in to the member area for access, or join as an Associate Member Today.