Category Interpreting

BSL Interpreting and the Role of ISO 18841

ISO 18841 is an International Standard that establishes basic requirements for the provision of interpreting services including the qualifications & competencies of interpreters, and recommendations of good practice. Registered Sign Language Interpreter Sarah Vann Brooke tells us more about BSL interpreting…

ISO Standards for Interpreting

There is a lot happening with ISO standards for interpreting right now! Client-side organisations in both the private and public sectors are becoming increasingly aware of ISO standards relating to interpreting, and companies providing both spoken and non-spoken interpreting services…

Deaf Awareness Week

Deaf Awareness Week

  Hello.  This week is Deaf Awareness Week. It is a perfect opportunity to consider ways of improving Deaf Services, raise awareness of British Sign Language and celebrate the Deaf Community. It is also a great opportunity to explain a…